down to the last day, feeling fulfilled having a new found sense of self control. when we overcome mental and physical cravings, habits, and routines...each and every time...we gain more power to ward off temptation when it comes a knockin'.
there is a great sense of satisfaction, as well, feeling like we have given our bodies the chance to detox and rebuild. good, clean, fun! although you may have suffered the scoffs and abusive slurs as i did from those that just don't understand what the hell it is i'm trying to do now, it seems all worth it to feel a little lighter and a little freer...and in all reality, that much better than everyone who sneered in our direction;)
i hope during this cleanse you were able to explore options in all different types of foods to add to your repertoire and recipe list. i myself have become a little more confident in the kitchen, which is a remarkable feat. now i just need someone who will come forth willing to do the dishes.
so, as i mentioned before....adding one thing that you took out at a time might be a good way to head back into the real world. so let's say dairy, to start, for two days, then maybe add back gluten for two days. this way you can give yourself ample time to decide if your body reacts adversely or not. you may notice a drop in energy, for instance, or issues with your stomach, headaches, or whatever. just be mindful, because it may be worth it to investigate a little further.
i for one think i'm done with sugar. i have found so many delicious alternatives that i think it might be worth it just to avoid. caffiene as well. i have my green tea, which has a small amount, but that's it. i can feel my body crash so hard after the high that for me it doesn't seem worth it. plus, paying $8 for an organic vegan agave sweetened chocolate bar helps to ration it a little more sparingly.
find your own balance, however, i do not recommend you using a cleanse as a morning after pill... excusing everything that we just worked so hard to reduce. i agree a mini cleanse after a party or a holiday, is totally a great way to replenish, yet i don't want you to think you can go back to all your old habits now that you have this fancy cleanse thing in your bag o' tricks. as we all know binging and purging doesn't do a body good, so megatoxing just to detox would be on that same level as tracy gold.
day 14 is tomorrow and two full weeks of cleansing will be behind us. some cleanses, as we've read, go for another whole week. at this point, after all you've gained thus far, i think it wouldn't be that hard. i'm actually going on vacation, so i will not be putting forth such a valiant effort, but if you'd like to, your body will only reap more of the benefits. and, you can proudly join the ranks of oprah and gwenyth and all the greats;)
i will have web access on vacation, so don't be shy. hit me up and let me know how you're doing. i am curious to here your reactions coming off the cleanse and seeing how you feel.
congratulations! you made it. high fives all around!
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