Wednesday, January 19, 2011

taking a bath...

so, i followed my own instructions and decided to take a bath last night.  i figured i was due for some relaxing given that it had been a while, well really only a couple of weeks ago i was kicking my feet up eating and drinking everything in sight, maxin' and relaxin', but you know what i mean.  i needed it damnit, and even more so with a better set of intentions.

i drew my bath, used my oatmeal bath blend by Avena, which is delightful i must add, walked out of my bathroom to grab a candle, only to turn around to find a giant cockroach dangling from my bath curtain seemingly excited to  have been invited to the pool party.  no longer relaxed, i ran around the room in circles trying to figure out what the hell to do with the giant thing.  i have never seen a critter in my apartment, except for the one lone millipede in my bath tub this summer, and the single curious fruit fly who was obviously lost because there wasn't any fruit to be had.

not wanting to squoosh the giant thing, i darted to the kitchen to find something to capture it in.  thankfully i only own cheap tupperware and decided that was an appropriate instrument for the hunt.  with base and lid in hand, i sloothed around the corner to find the uninvited guest in the same spot.  with my girly-ness at its max, i pounced in, with an inner shriek i can only produce when bugs are involved, and captured the nasty thing.  i closed the lid tightly at all four corners and felt the thing jumping around inside.  nasty!

i ran around in circles at least twice, before i grabbed my keys, thank god, and ran out the door.  i already locked myself out once this winter when my bush was on fire (whole nother story entirely), it was a house plant really, but being a creative it is always more fun to embellish...especially with a biblical reference that can play more than one way.

anyway, so i'm outside in bare feet and a tank top...because i was on my way to taking a relaxing bath, remember?  i shake the thing all the way to the corner of the tupperware and open the lid over the patch greens i have in the treebox in front of my apartment.  it was quite the buddhist thing to do, but in all reality...i'm really not that buddhist.  i just don't like to squish big, giant things.

so, with water still running, i hurray back inside, tossing the tupperware into the recycle bin on my way in the door, cuz there ain't no amount of soap that will disinfect that sucker.

if you can believe it, after all that, i took a deep breath, grabbed my candle and my new book and plunged into the tub.  i read about 20 pages with only a few distracting thoughts about where my friend had entered the apartment and if i was bathing in the path he had walked through to get to the curtain.

but for the most part, i did it, i relaxed, and it felt amazing.  i would say it lasted long into the evening, but that would be a lie because for the rest of the night i felt like my apartment was crawling with critters.  yet, for those 20 minutes or so and a few thereafter, i indulged, and it was great.

i hope you have found time to relax this week and de-stress a bit.  my even bigger hope is that it is a little better than my my experience.  if you haven't had the chance yet to indulge, my last hope is that i've inspired you to do so;)

i found this website for some cleansing cocktails to add to your mix.

-adding lemon to your water or lime also has an enhanced cleansing effect.  cheap and easy.

also, our recent saturday night co-host and guest star on glee has been caught doing a post holiday cleanse....her site goop, has quite a bit to say about cleanses.  here is gwenyth paltrow on one of her cleanses, as she does multiple times a year.

day 10!!  kick your fee up!

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